Saturday, August 28, 2010


A little update about my life lately.
Nothing special happened.
The finals have started for a few days but I'm still not in the studying mood.
Read a few pages then go watch movie, after that back to my notes then watch movie again. @@
This is what I'm doing now.
But as their no movies for me to watch, so here I am writing on my blog.
Today's papers would be English for Communication and Front Office Management.
Some people would be curious why I'm taking English for Communication which we studied during Year 1 Semester 2.
Well, I got barred because of my horrible attendance. LOL
For those that are repeating English with me will be in the exam hall from 9am-4pm.
This is because when the exam time table came out.
Our English and FO was on the same day and same time.
After telling the office staffs about it.
They said that we would have to come in the morning for our English paper.
After then we won't be allowed to leave because those that don't have FO paper would be taking the English paper on the afternoon and they might be scared that we would expose the paper.
So, after the English paper we would have to stay there until after we finish our FO paper which is at 2pm.

Well thats all for the updates.
Have to go back to my FO notes now.
Good luck to everyone that are taking the finals! :)